(from nbc.com, advertising included)
Solve both the Cheeseburger APT and the Bogsquare APT using the browser-based Python environment at either skulpt.org or the online python tutor (developed by Philip Guo). You should write each function called for in the APT and test it by calling the function with different parameters. Be sure to test with values other and in addition to those that are included in the APT writeup.
After testing your code in the browser-based Python environments you'll have completed the first part of the assignment. The second part will be to set up Eclipse, Ambient, Pydev
Do NOT forget the README file you must submit. Information about the README and collaboration is available.
Submit your Python module using Ambient from Eclipse and the assignment named assign0. If you complete the assignment using Eclipse, submit using apt0.
To submit online use the online websubmit system.