Compsci 101, Fall 2012, Hangman Categories

Using this starting code write a program that plays a robust version of Hangman, similar to what was specified in the Hangman assignment earlier this semester.

However, you must supply at least two different files/categories of things to guess other than words --- do this rather than having the program use words for guessing.

Your data files should be created initially in Eclipse as File,New,Other,Untitled text file (starting from the File menu). After you've entered a few lines of data, save the text file in your Hangman Eclipse Folder/Project with a name that indicates its type, e.g., musicians.txt, football.txt, and so on. At least one of your text files should allow the user to guess multiple-word clues, something like "Skyfall", "Goldfinger", "Casino Royale", "Diamonds are Forever" are examples of what might be stored in the lines of a file named bondmovies.txt.

How the game is played