{ Today I went to because . There I with . Unfortuantely, I lost at so I . Now I am and life is . ; } { the disco ; the mall ; the Playboy Mansion ; jail ; Antarctica ; Mordor ; } { I had disco fever ; I was lonely ; my mother offered me brussel sprouts ; Charlie bit my finger ; the weatherman said it was cloudy with a chance of meatballs ; } { twerked ; sang Happy Birthday ; ran a marathon ; ate a burrito ; } { quickly ; loudly ; creepily ; hungrily ; funkily ; } { Puff the Magic Dragon ; Tom Cruise ; Hugh Hefner ; six oompa-loompas ; my poisoned apple ; a waffle iron ; } { sat down and cried ; mellowed out with a cigar ; upturned a table ; went home alone ; } { excited ; confused ; delighted ; devastated ; sleepy ; } { empty ; damp ; perplexing ; topsy turvy ; complete ; over ; }