CompSci 307
Fall 2022
Software Design and Implementation

Team Project: OOLALA

Computer Science is a science of abstraction, creating the right model for a problem and devising the appropriate mechanizable techniques to solve it. — A. Aho and J. Ullman

Animation of Logo turtle drawing a flower

Submitting Your Work

Use GIT to push your team's implementation to the master branch of the provided, sharedoolala_teamNN repository hosted in the course's Gitlab group.

As your submission for this project, use GIT to add, commit, and push the following:

Your code is expected to follow the course coding conventions and be reasonably commented.

Your team's project GIT repository must show many, purposeful, commits from all team members rather than just one or two large "kitchen sink" commits and marathon merging or redesign sessions. Specifically, we will be looking for deliberate attempts to regularly:

We strongly suggest using the course's suggested GIT workflow for teams to manage this process.


In teams, write a Java program from scratch using straight OpenJFX (without FXML), that implements three seemingly different CompSci 101 level applications that use a small programming language to operate one or more "turtles" to move or draw with. Details for each application will be provided as the project progresses to help provide concrete examples for your Object-Oriented Language Architecture for Little Applications, OOLALA: a common interpreter for languages based on the similar syntax that allows users to enter programs interactively to be evaluated and visualized in various ways.

User Interface

While the exact User Interface for each program is up to your team to decide, they should all allow the user to:

Property Values

The View must use configuration file(s) for the details of its components instead of hard-coded values within your Java code, specifically:

The Model must implement basic error checking of the user programs and throw Exceptions for the View to catch and report to the user, specifically:


Test your program using JUnit 5 test methods (code annotated with @Test and checked with one or more assertions) that demonstrate your code works as intended. Additionally, use TestFX to simulate common user "actions" that are checked with standard JUnit assertions to verify the UI responds appropriately. Make well named tests that test both "happy" and "sad" possible code paths (here are many, many, many examples in case you are having trouble thinking of possible negative tests):

You are expected to create tests frequently to develop a working rhythm during the coding process rather than waiting until the end.


This project will be submitted in stages, each adding a new application:

It is encouraged that you to start simply in order to verify your understanding of the project's core features. Then refactor your code to help it serve as a foundation for the more diverse functionality expected.

Design Specifications

The functionality features emphasize design goals, so your focus should be implementing them in such a way as to promote creating abstractions that generalize your core code, not simply as special cases added without a clear plan. Ideally, a well-designed program will make implementing new features easier so, when choosing a new feature to implement, look for something that fits into your design or refactor your code first to accommodate it. Specifically, your design should be thoughtful and intentional: clearly avoiding duplicate code structures and making it easy to add more of these kinds of applications without changing the existing code.

Adding functionality not related to an abstraction or resulting in poor code that diminishes your overall design efforts will not be rewarded. Specifically, the credit you receive for a functionality feature will be in proportion to how clearly it shows that your core classes are closed to modification while open to extension. Thus, a program with fewer features, but plenty of clear paths to easy expansion, is worth more than a program with many features but lacking clean code and good abstractions.

In addition to following the course Code Design Habits Checklist, your project design should clearly show the your progress learning the topics we have discussed so far in the course:

  1. Clean code. Write your code primarily for communication: to avoid duplication, to support your team mates, and so that it can be easily understood by others
  2. Use multiple classes. Divide your code into several classes that each have an active, useful, purpose (i.e., non-get/set methods)
  3. Encapsulation: Create classes, based on their behavior rather than their state, to hide the each part's implementation decisions
  4. Build abstractions. Create inheritance hierarchies to define common methods that can be implemented in multiple ways in separate concrete classes
  5. Avoid hardcoded values. Move typical "magic" values into files, rather than compiled into your program, using resources, properties, and styles
  6. Exceptions. Communicate errors in a thoughtful, intentional, manner rather than returning null or other error prone values
  7. Separate Model/View. Create a cleanly structured GUI that is separated from the model and what information (including errors) needs to be returned from the model
  8. Design Principles. Structure the core of your project with single-purposed, substitutable abstractions to help your design be more understandable and flexible

CompSci Context

This project highlights the following interesting and foundational Computer Science concepts. You are not expected to write a general or complete version of any of these concepts, but learning about them may help provide a context to begin thinking about some design issues or connect your work in this course to the broader computing community.

Individual Responsibilities when Working as a Team

This project requires steady, consistent, work — only by putting in consistent time each week will you see measurable progress and not have to pull "heroic" all-nighters.

Although this is a team project, everyone has individual responsibilities to the team that can be summed up as follows:

Unfortunately conflicts are likely to occur, so please let the Teaching Team know as soon as possible — even if it has happened just once or twice since it is better to deal with the situation early rather than having a disaster at the end when little can be done to get back on track.