
Welcome to the Genome Revolution FOCUS program, course Compsci 4G. This page contains announcements relevant to the course.

Due Dates

  1. Dec 12 Test 4 (redo coding for those who didn't do well). Help from notes is ok, no people, no Internet -- you can talk to Prof. Astrachan. Due by Thursday at 2:00 pm turn in hardcopy to Prof. Astrachan

  2. Dec 5 Test 3 (redo coding for those who didn't do well). Help from notes is ok, no people, no Internet -- you can talk to Prof. Astrachan

  3. Nov 17 Projects

  4. Nov 14 Shotgun starter

  5. Nov 7 More APTs due (6-8 only, others are extra credit)

  6. Oct 31 iPodShuffe turnkey, in-a-bag experiment/design ready to give out by your group.

  7. Oct 24: Shotgun papers read and understood.

  8. Sept 26, Project I groups

  9. Which paper do you want to present for the first group project? (email to ola by Wed, Sept 21).

  10. Codon Assignment out. Codon Code mastered by Friday, Oct 28

  11. iPodShuffe out, turn in a preliminary experiment design in class on Monday.

  12. APTs dna1, dna2, and dna5 due before class on September 16.

  13. APTs dna3, dna4 will be due next week.

  14. Text/Shotgun due on Monday before 1:00 pm, turn in using Blackboard

  15. Brief bio/blurb/bit about the computer scientist, biologist, well-known person you chose in class on Wednesday is due before class on Monday, Sept 5. Please post your paragraph on the class discussion forum.

  16. Reminder. Class on Fridays in D106 of the LSRC (downstairs from where we meet on other days)

  17. The vocabulary sheet given in class is due in class on Friday, Sept 2 as we discussed in class Wed, Aug 31.

    The reading, questions given out the first day of class will also be due on Friday, Sept 2.

Owen L. Astrachan
Last modified: Sun Dec 11 21:48:23 EST 2005