Compsci 82, Fall 2008, Sept 1

By entering your name/net-id below you indicate you are in class on Sept 1 to answer these questions (some are repeated from last week).

Name: ______________________________    Net id: _____________

Name: ______________________________    Net id: _____________

Name: ______________________________    Net id: _____________

Name: ______________________________    Net id: _____________

  1. What is DNS and what is it used for?
  2. Why don't you type when you want to go to in a browser even though they both go to the same website?
  3. With IPv4, the current IP addressing protocol, there are 232 different addresses, which is about 4 billion (4,294,967,296). According to there are 1.5 billion devices connected to the Internet in 2008 and there will be 3 billion by 2012. According to Vint Cerf, one of the founders of the Internet and currently Internet Evangelist for Google there will be 35 billion devices connected to the Internet in 2010. He also predicts there will be 1.3 billion people using the Internet in 2035. Explain the disparity between number of people using the Internet and the number of devices connected to the Internet.
  4. What is the transitive trust model of BGP in less than two sentences?
  5. How big is a BGP routing table?
  6. The domain maps to different IP addresses depending where (in the world) you use the domain Provide a plausible reason for why Google uses different IP addresses.