Compsci 82, Fall 2009, Colbert/Zittrain

By entering your name/net-id below you indicate you are in class on August 24 to answer these questions and that you have answered them.

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Name: ______________________________    Net id: _____________

Name: ______________________________    Net id: _____________

Name: ______________________________    Net id: _____________

Jonathan Zittrain was interviewed on the Colbert Report in 2008, here's a link to the comedy central video of the interview.

  1. Colbert says the Internet isn't what it used to be, he hardly ever hears from his Nigerian Prince -- what is Colber talking about?
  2. According to Zittrain, what do the three guys Jon, Vint, and Steve have in common?
  3. What do Kazaa and Skype have in common?
  4. Zittrain doesn't like the iPhone --- why?
  5. According to Zittrain, what's the right browser?