CPS 108, Spring 2004, Battleship GUI/code

The GUI for batteship uses the wxwindows gui toolkit, which runs on windows, mac/os x, and unix/linux.

As of Feb 14 at 10:00 pm, the code runs (tested on windows and unix), but the design needs improvement. However, to help get things working, the code is available now.

You can find it linked here for browsing, but it's on the acpub system for copying in the directory


If you copy files, be sure to use the -r option since you must copy subdirectories.

  cp -r ~ola/cps108/code/battleship .
Altenratively, there's a zipped/tar file in ~ola/cps108/code/battle.tgz. You should copy this .tgz file into your space, then type
   tar xvzf battle.tgz
to extract the files.

The files for windows can be snarfed via Eclipse using the snarf site www.cs.duke.edu/courses/108/spring04/snarf. If you do snarf be sure you specify the correct directory which is not the default when snarfing. You want to select C:\Program Files\eclipse\workspace\battleship for the project. Please see this link about how to specify the right directory, but you'll be using battleship instead of pixmap as shown in the screen shot on that link.

Owen L. Astrachan
Last modified: Sat Feb 14 21:56:50 EST 2004