Notes for DB2 DBAs

This document describes some basics of DB2 administration for TA's and those students who have volunteered to look after our DB2 server.

Logging into rack40 as DBA

Log into rack40 as yourself, and then login as DBA using:
  ssh -l db2inst1
You should be able to login without a password if we have added your to ~db2inst1/.ssh/authorized_keys.

Once you are in, set up the DB2 environment:

  . sqllib/db2profile

Starting and stopping DB2 as DBA

To start DB2, run db2start in shell. Then, start the JDBC applet server by running db2jstrt in shell.

To stop the JDBC applet server, kill the process identified as db2jd. To stop DB2, run db2stop in shell.

Handling DB2 problems

Reply to students' emails and let them know that you have started working on the problem.

Email everybody in the class (you can do it using CourseInfo) to let them know when you have fixed the problem.

If rack40 seems to be down and you cannot login remotely, email David (

Email Jun ( for all other problems that you cannot fix yourself.