File Transfer (FTP)

File transfer protocol (FTP) lets you move files from one computer (or computer system) to another. You might use FTP to upload HTML files to your acpub account when you publish your own Web pages or to download software from computers across the Internet.

WS_FTP Lite (for Windows)

How do I get started?

Click the Windows Start Button. Go to Internet Applications, and click on WS_FTP LE.

When you transfer files to and from your acpub account, use your userid and password to connect.

Once the fields are complete, Click OK.

A connection with the host computer opens.
Note! The window on the left displays everything on the computer's local hard drive. The window on the right displays everything on the remote computer.

How do I obtain (download or "get") files from the remote computer?

  1. In the right window, locate the folder in which you believe the file resides.
  2. To open the folder, double-click its name. To move "upwards" in the directory structure, click on the green arrow.
  3. Locate the file you wish to download; click to highlight it.
  4. In the left window, select the folder into which you wish to put the file.
  5. To download the file, click the arrow (between the windows) that points from right to left.

How do I place (upload or "put") files on the remote computer?

  1. In the left window, select the file you wish to upload. 
  2. In the right window, select the folder into which you wish to upload the file. 
  3. Click the arrow (between the two windows) that points from left to right. 

How do I use FTP's online help?

Click the Help button near the bottom of the window. 

Locate the desired topic in the window and click. 

How do I close the connection?

Click the Close button at the bottom left. 

You can then 

  • click on the same button, now called Connect, to reconnect to another host or 
  • click the Exit button at the bottom right to close WS_FTP. 

Where can I can I find more information on WS_FTP LE?