Bulletin Board

You are encouraged to ask public questions and post answers through the course bulletin board. In order to facilitate getting your questions answered as quickly as possible, it is important that you are as clear as possible when describing your problem. To this end, you should include exact error messages and a minimal number of lines of code so that people can help you without having to look at your entire program. Further, you should show evidence of trying to solve the problem yourself before posting. Evidence might consist of a small test program, output from the debugger, extra output from your program, etc.

When posting code, you should be very careful not to post so much as to give away your solution to your classmates. Indeed, such posts may be considered cheating! To avoid this situation, you should post as little code as possible in order to describe your problem. In many cases, you should be able to post only the single line that is causing the problem. In cases where it is necessary to post more, you may want to replace some parts with comments representing pseudocode if possible. In general, try to avoid posting complete functions or classes. If you are in doubt, mail one of the course staff and we will respond directly.

You can access the course bulletin board through any browser http://www.cs.duke.edu/phpBB2/.