CompSci 108
Fall 2009
Software Design and Implementation

Getting Help

UTA Office Hours will be held in the Link, the new space in the the lower level of Perkins Library. While there are computers in this room, you may still want to bring your laptop in case the room fills up.

Anytime you plan to use campus computers rather than your own computer, make sure to check in your program through Eclipse so that it is available for you to check out again at another machine when you are done.


Teaching Assistants Office Hours

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
7-9pm Lakshya Alex Sophia Ryan Kostadin

Professor's Office Hours

If you need to meet with me and can not make my office hours, please email me to set up an appointment.

Office Hours Cancelled?

Check the course bulletin board Announcements before heading over to hours to see if any are cancelled or changed.

Posting to the Bulletin Board

In order to get the fastest possible response, it is important that you are as clear as possible when describing your problem. To this end, you should include exact error messages and a minimal number of lines of code so that people can help you without having to look at your entire program. Further, you should show evidence of trying to solve the problem yourself before posting.

When posting code, you should be very careful not to post so much as to give away your solution to your classmates. Indeed, such posts may be considered cheating! To avoid this situation, you should post as little code as possible in order to describe your problem. In many cases, you may be able to post only the single line that is causing the problem. In cases where it is necessary to post more, you may want to replace some parts with comments representing pseudocode if possible. In general, try to avoid posting complete methods or classes. If you are in doubt, mail one of the course staff and we will respond directly.