CompSci 308
Fall 2018
Software Design and Implementation

SLogo Design Exercise

Form a group with your final project team for this exercise. Someone should volunteer to take notes on the group's discussion as you go so that it can be compared with others' solutions.

This project is intended to get you to try to design a program without worrying about exactly how it will be implemented. In other words, you should explore a design in enough detail to convincingly complete the deliverables below without writing any actual code.


Logo is a computer programming language designed to teach programming to children. It is a user-friendly, interpreted language, designed with a "low floor, high ceiling"; in other words, the designers of Logo intended for the language to allow novice programmers to get started quickly writing programs but also wanted the language to be powerful and extensive for more advanced users.

In the early days, Logo was used to control a simple physical robot, called a turtle. Users could issue commands such as FORWARD 50 to make the turtle advance 50 steps, or RIGHT 90 to make it turn ninety degrees. The turtle robot carried a pen, so users could produce drawings on paper, such as the one shown to the left, by controlling the turtle and its pen. The turtle, which has since moved on to the computer screen, has become one of the most familiar and important parts of the Logo language. For the complete history see here.

For this exercise, design an Integrated Development Environment, or IDE, for a simplified version of Logo, or SLogo, that focuses on allowing users to write and manage programs to draw such pictures. Specifically, the user should be able to accomplish the following tasks:

Some example SLogo programs are available online.


In the early days, Logo was run on small, slow machines and thus its environments were given only limited capabilities. Additionally, there was only a single turtle drawn as a triangle in only one display window to show the turtle's actions. In modern times, Logo has been used to run simulations with thousands of turtles and also to make animations. Extend your basic design to bring your SLogo environment from the seventies into the new millennium (and beyond?). Thus, your design should easily allow the following extensions.

Some basic enhancements to your IDE will make it nicer to use (in order of increasing difficulty):

In order to allow the user to run simulations or create games, you should allow the user to create as many turtles as they want. By default, there are an infinite number of turtles hidden at the home position. So, if you show the second turtle it should appear at home, unless the user has moved it first, then shown it. To do this, you will need to add the following:

It is already reasonably easy for the user to make simple animations using SLogo because the user can create multiple turtles, set the turtle's appearance to something other than a triangle, zoom in, and animate the turtle's actions. To further facilitate quality animations, you should add the following:

Finally, you can improve the environment for programming by including the extensions below:


During the course of your discussion, make sure you address the deliverables below and try to summarize your discussion as follows:

  1. A description of the packages and classes you envision as part of implementing SLogo (a picture could be extremely helpful here). Your design description should especially discuss how you plan to separate the graphical interface from the interpreter and how you plan to let them communicate when necessary rather than on the parsing (which you know well). 
  2. A description of your graphical user interface, including drawn "screen shots" of how you plan to lay out your interface and how you plan to connect the interface to the rest of the program.
  3. A description of how your program will handle the following use case: "The user starts the program, types 'fd 50' in the command window, and sees the turtle move in the display window leaving a trail." It should be clear from this description which objects are responsible for completing each part of the task.


For background and more complete information about logo consult these links:

Or view these videos