CompSci 108
Fall 2009
Software Design and Implementation

Introductory Survey

Name                                        Nickname                            NetID                  

  1. Computer Science Experience
    How comfortable and familiar are you with computer science, programming, mathematics, or building things? Briefly describe your experiences, if any, in studying and using these fields.


  2. Which best describes you?
    I wish I was more confident in my own abilities to do well   
    I am pretty confident in my work; others don't look to me for help and I don't look to them
    I tend to look to and consult with others for confirmation that my work is on track, but I'm pretty confident of my abilities
    I'm pretty confident and others look to me in class, but I'm not as comfortable with this as I'd like to be
    I'm confident, others look to me, and it's a role I relish
    Other (please describe)

  3. Programming Experience
    no experience read some code written a few lines written fair amount very knowledgeable
    Visual Basic               
    Other (describe)               

  4. Computers you have at Duke (please check all that apply)
    PC laptop
    PC desktop
    Mac laptop
    Mac desktop
    Linux laptop
    Linux desktop


  5. Operating systems with which you're comfortable (please check all that apply)
    Windows XP/Vista
    Mac/OS X


  6. What about this course are you least looking forward to?

  8. What about this course are you most looking forward to?