Compsci 4: Assignment 7: Driving in the City

About this world:

In this world, the user picks a celebrity driver (Jimmie Johnson, Tiger Woods, or Jason Bourne) and a car (firetruck, corvette, taxi cab, or humvee) in order to race through the city streets in as fast a time as possible. Watch out though, pedestrians and street signs abound and the user's score will be added to if any of these is struck. Alternatively, if the user doesn't want to deal with these distractions, he or she can choose the overhead view instead. With so many different options, the user will surely want to try this game numerous times. Good luck, have fun, and don't hit too many pedestrians!

The user is prompted by the celebrity drivers to pick one of them

After one of the drivers is clicked on, they motion to the cars for the user to pick one

The driver chosen says "Let's get started!", the world blacks out and when it comes back in, the driver will get into the vehicle chosen.

The city as seen from the in-car view

The city as seen from the overhead view

The user has reached the finish line and the "Game Over" sign appears

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