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IndexCourse DescriptionThe purpose of this course is to introduce you to research in computer science, and to your new roles as a graduate student and as a scientist/technologist. This course is required for all entering graduate students in computer science. The Wednesday class meetings will consist of a combination of presentations by the instructor and guests, as well as discussions led by students. There will be (unscored) assignments and no exams. Grades are based on class participation and satisfactory completion of assignments. Time and Place4:25-5:40pm on Wednesdays, North 311 Instructor
Jun Yang The email address cps300@cs.duke.edu reaches everybody in the class as well as the instructor. Only announcements, questions/answers, and comments of general interests should be sent to this address. Specific questions should be directed to the instructor. Please check your emails regularly, as important announcements and information will be sent via email. Standards of ConductUnder the Duke Community Standard, you are expected to perform your own work in this course. On many occasions, it is useful to ask others (the instructor or other students) for hints or help, or to talk generally about your work. Such activity is both acceptable and encouraged, but you must acknowledge any assistance you received. Any assistance received that is not given proper citation will be considered a violation of the Standards of Conduct. The course staff will pursue aggressively all suspected cases of violations, and they will be handled through official University channels. |
Last updated Thu Sep 02 00:47:00 EDT 2010 |