CompSci 6 Fall 2011 - Assignment #1
Due: Monday, Sept 5 by 11:59pm
10 points
Light-Bot Game
Light-Bot is an online game that covers some fundamental programming concepts. Here is an example "assignment"
- You must produce a list of commands to direct a robot around a board.
You drag and drop the commands into cells, then click "Go!" to make the robot perform the commands.
Your goal is to make him light up all the blue tiles.
Your score is determined by how many commands you have in the cells. You want to use the fewest possible commands to get the lowest score.
Go to this Web site:
- In the game window, beneath the ad, click Play.
- Click New Game when it appears.
- Your goal is to use the fewest possible commands to make your robot light up all of the tiles.
- See if you can beat Prof. Rodger. Her score was 141 for 10 levels. The
score is the number of commands (shown in the bottom right corner).
If you want to keep going, she had 181 commands for 12 levels (but only
your number of commands for 10 levels on Blackboard). Level 10 is the
hardest. Level 11 and 12 are easier than level 10.
Note that a level disappears when you finish it. The start of Level 11 will
have your total so far for 10 levels.
Submit your score on blackboard by the deadline.