Assignment 7 - Carter Duncan and Kaya Massey
Alice Goes to College
This is a story with a built in game. The story is unique in
that it's outcome is determined by the results of the game within it.
The story begins in Alice's guidance counselor's office. They are
having a conversation about Alice's college search, and the counselor
urges Alice to visit each school she is interested in (Duke, NC State,
and UNC). Alice then proceeds to visit each school. Duke is her
favorite, and UNC is her least favorite. After her visits, she returns
to her counselor's office and is told that, if she wants to get into
the college of her choosing, she will have to "jump through a lot of
hoops." The game is a simulation that determines Alice's SAT score,
based on a literal interpretation of Alice having to "jump through
hoops." The user must make Alice jump, using the space bar, at the
correct times to make her go through the hoops, each time earning 200
points toward her SAT score.

After the game, Alice says her score
and then we return to her counselor's office, where, depending on her
score, she reacts to finding out which school she has gotten into. If
Alice scores 1800 or above, she gets into Duke and is ecstatic. She then goest to the school she has
gotten into and let's the user know how well she likes it.

Then "The
End" appears and the story is over.