Welcome to our Legend of Zelda inspired game. This game is similar to the rounding up of ranch animals that Link must do at Lon-Lon ranch in the game Twilight Princess. As the game begins, Link is surrounded by chickens that start to move about randomly once the timer starts. The user then has 30 seconds to round up most of the chickens in order to win.
This next image is one in which Link has his back to the camera when he places the first chicken inside the pen. Will the user be able to get a score high enough to win?
Oh no! Unfortunately, this first go 'round was too difficult. The image below shows the what happens to Link if the game is lost (he faints after the chickens attack him--again, this is similar to what happens in the Legend of Zelda cannon.)
Finally, after a second try, we were able to successfully win the game, which gives us a scene change to see the lovely Cinderella jumping up and down to the special effect of stars after we have won (pictured below).
We really hope you enjoy our game!
Best, Grace Cassidy and Kirsten Walther