Compsci 101, Fall 2015, Assignment 1 - Blockly

Due: Thursday, Sept 3 by 11:59pm + 121 minutes

10 points

(image from Blockly site)

Goals and Objectives

Your goal is to learn some simple, but fundamental programming concepts by using online tools and activities to practice problem-solving by writing code in an environment called Blockly.

What is Blockly?

Blockly is a website for learning fundamental programming concepts by playing games, solving puzzles, and being creative. On the left is a screen-shot of the Blockly Maze game. In this example, there is an orange person standing on a green circle shape and the object of the game is to get them to the red circle with the black dot in the center. You can drag and drop commands to create a program. The commands you can use for this level are moving forward, turning left and turning right. Moving forward twice will solve this simple maze and allow you to proceed to the next level.

You will notice the Blockly page has several different types of games as shown in the screen-shot below.

Blockly Website

Click here to get to the Blockly Games web page

What You Must Do

For this assignment, your task is to:

We hope you will try some of the other puzzles if you want, but only the maze puzzle is required for this assignment.


You will will submit your work and also fill out the online README form. For this assignment only, your work will be turned in using Sakai. More specifically, you will:

  1. Submit on Sakai the image of the highest level you achieved on the maze puzzle. See the instructions on Sakai, you'll upload either a PDF with the screen shot or the screen shot itself (e.g., a .jpg or a .png file)

  2. Fill out the README online form that asks you about your thoughts/impressions on this assignment in addition to other information.

    See the late policy for programming assignments here.