CompSci 307
Fall 2021
Software Design and Implementation

Weekly Journal : Improvement Assessment

We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit. —Will Durant


Submit a Markdown formatted plain text file, named, to the individual portfolio_NETID repository provided for you in the course's Gitlab group.


As the semester nears its end, review your journal, your projects, your team experiences to reflect on how much progress you have made during the semester, and also where you can still improve after completing the course.


A new point of emphasis this semester was developing new habits around your programming process to practice and develop in order to improve your baseline coding experience. This goal was added based on the belief that you are the result of your habits because, fundamentally, they shape how you start, make progress on, and ultimately finish projects. But, perhaps, ultimately it is not just doing something habitually, but making sure you reflect on the outcomes of those habits to ensure they improve the quality of your life.

Take a moment to think about all the possible habits you were exposed to this semester (beyond simply clean coding, such as when to design, individual coding sessions, how you think about programming process, project management, teamwork, learning, etc.).


Programming can be a fun activity (and hopefully it is most of the time), but it is also often a hard, unforgiving, activity. This is especially true as projects get larger and more complex. One thing that can help is to find a "super power", a skill beyond basic coding (e.g., designing, debugging, testing, managing, or GIT, command-line, XML, etc.), to develop a deep understanding of that can bring you personal satisfaction and help you stand out from your team mates.

Take a moment to remember the fun and what can be learned from any programming experience.


Job interviews will certainly assess your technical skills, but they will also ask questions intended to see if you have good soft skills, and just as importantly, to see if you are self-aware of your own abilities and weaknesses. Everyone has weaknesses! Do not pretend to be naturally good at everything! The point of a “what is your greatest weakness” question is not to ensure you have no weakness, but rather to see if you have thought critically about your own skills, can do honest reflection, and care about self-improvement.

Take a moment to reflect on your answers to these questions because they can often make the difference in who gets hired between two technically competitive applicants.