CompSci 307
Fall 2021
Software Design and Implementation

OOGA : Sprint Progress Presentation

Present your team's progress to your assigned UTA with at least four people from your team present to describe your goals and progress since starting to implement the project.

Start by showing off the features of your running program:

Then present what was learned during this Sprint and the implementation plan for the next Sprint:


Put any materials specifically for your presentation in the folder doc/presentationNN (either 1 or 2 if it is your first or second progress presentation) on the master branch of the provided, shared ooga_teamNN repository.

Include any code, images, UML diagrams, or written text, using Markdown, Javadoc or a wiki page on Gitlab. PowerPoint slides are discouraged because they are completely separate from the project and unlikely to be maintained even if they are added to the repository, but here are some tools to convert Markdown to a slide style format.