CompSci 307
Fall 2021
Software Design and Implementation

Lab Coding Exercise: Learning OpenJFX and Making Classes

This exercise is intended for you to practice the basic GIT workflow commands (addcommit, and push), get used to OpenJFX, create a Java class, and begin to think about how to organize code within a project.


There will not be an official submission for this exercise, instead show your progress to a UTA during lab when you think you are finished to get feedback.


In pairs, complete as many of the following tasks using your forked version of the example_animation project (they will all help prepare you for the Breakout project):

For each task, you may make any changes to the code you think are warranted. After you think you have completed each task, make a GIT add and commit with an appropriate comment, so there should be at least 8 commits in your project history. After every two commits, push your changes up to Gitlab so your online example_animation repository reflects the work you have done today.

Pair Programming

Labs in this course expect you to work either in pairs or with your project team.

Professionally, this practice is called Pair Programming: working closely with another programmer, sharing a "single computer" that we will simulate using a shared computer, shared repository or use IntelliJ's new Code With Me feature. To ensure both people do some coding, you will switch which person actually writes the code every 10-15 minutes (in industry this switch happens only 1-3 times per day). The person who is not actively coding can be advising, suggesting better names, looking up documentation, or searching the Internet for solutions to small problems you are likely to face, but not multi-tasking (i.e., doing their own work or socializing).