CompSci 307
Fall 2021
Software Design and Implementation

Lab Coding Exercise: Building an Abstraction

This exercise is intended to help you to learn to build an inheritance hierarchy that represents an abstraction.


While there will not be an official submission for this exercise, this code will be the basis for this week's programming exercise.

Lab Workflow

Here is a review of the steps you will use to work with GIT during lab (as distinct from assigned team projects):

  1. On Gitlab, one person should fork the original project lab_maze into their own repository to allow pushing your group's changes
    • On the resulting project web page, go to Settings -> Members to add your partner so both people in the group can access the same repository
    • Search for your partner's name and give them a Maintainer role in the project and choose Add to Project
  2. In Terminal, both students should use git clone to copy the one forked repository to their individual machines so they can work on their own separate copies
  3. In IntelliJ, both students should Open the cloned folder to create a new project on their personal machine
  4. In IntelliJ, add the names and NetIDs of everyone in your group at the top of the file included in the repository
  5. As a group, discuss how to change features in the current code and what design issues that reveals using the questions below as a guide
    • Report your ideas, reasoning, and the main conclusions in the file using Gitlab's Markdown format
  6. In IntelliJ, refactor the code to improve its design (i.e., edit the code) using Pair Programming
  7. In Terminal, use GIT to
    • git add changed files
    • git commit -m to describe your changes
    • git push changes back to Gitlab
    • git pull changes from Gitlab back to the local machine (if you are not sharing a single computer)
    • Repeat as many times as needed, letting each person try the changes/GIT steps in related chunks
  8. As a group, discuss the refactored design using the questions below as a guide.
    • Report your ideas, reasoning, and the main conclusions in the file using Gitlab's Markdown format


This project implements a Maze solver using a variety of search algorithms:

Take some time to play with it and also explore the code to make sure you understand basically how it works.

They are all subclasses of the minimal superclass SearchAlgorithm, but still contain significant duplicated code. The goal of this exercise is to refactor the classes to remove as much duplicated code as you can by choosing what code belongs in the superclass and what code is specific to each subclass. Note, you can add as many methods as you want: protected (for subclasses to override) and private (to factor out common functionality); but you should not need to add any public methods. or new classes

For this lab, you only need to refactor the code in the solvers package.


Examine the code from all the subclasses to identify what parts are common and what parts are different among the different versions.

Then work through the following steps to thoughtfully, deliberately, refactor the code while taking notes on your ideas, goals, issues, progress in your file:

And then continue the process as you have time during lab so that you always feel in control of the changes being made to the code. Refactoring can be a very safe process or lead to a lot of syntax and logic errors that ruin your larger design goals!

Pair Programming

Labs in this course expect you to work either in pairs or with your project team.

Professionally, this practice is called Pair Programming: working closely with another programmer, sharing a "single computer" that we will simulate using a shared computer, shared repository or use IntelliJ's new Code With Me feature. To ensure both people do some coding, you will switch which person actually writes the code every 10-15 minutes (in industry this switch happens only 1-3 times per day). The person who is not actively coding can be advising, suggesting better names, looking up documentation, or searching the Internet for solutions to small problems you are likely to face, but not multi-tasking (i.e., doing their own work or socializing).