CompSci 307
Fall 2021
Software Design and Implementation

Lab Exercise: Debugging and GIT Practice

This exercise is intended for you to practice debugging inheritance hierarchies and to practice recovering from GIT mistakes. You are also encouraged to use IntelliJ's Debugger to find bugs in the code, in the previous lab, as well as simply understanding how the unfamiliar code works.


There will not be an official submission for this exercise, instead show your progress to a UTA during lab when you think you are finished to get feedback.



For each bug you find:

Buggy Programs

In pairs, complete the debug the following programs using your forked version of the lab_pig project. After each, add, commit, and push your changes to the code before continuing on to the next.

Game of Pig

The game of Pig is a point-based dice game in which the first player to score at least 100 points is the winner. This implementation includes a spinner that randomly generates pig noises to supplement the die rolls.

On a player’s turn, they roll a 6-sided die and spin the spinner:

  • If the spinner lands on “GRUNT” the player loses all their points for the game so far and their turn is over.
  • If the die roll is 1, the player loses the points gained on the current turn only, and the turn is over.
  • For any other roll/die combination, the die roll contributes to the points accumulated for this turn.

The player can then decide to play again, risking the turn points, or to "hold" — that is, keep the points for the turn and cede the turn.

There are several bugs in the given code (you do not need to fix them in the order listed here, the numbering is just for reference):

  1. Game throws a NullPointerException in the winner() method
  2. Sometimes the spinner gives an ArrayIndexOutOfBounds Exception
  3. The die sometimes rolls a 0
  4. The game does not end when a player gets at least 100 points
  5. The ComputerPlayer’s name gets printed as null instead of "R2D2"
  6. Spinning "GRUNT" does not make the player lose all their points
  7. A 1 and "GRUNT" combination results in the player losing their turn, but not all their points

After each bug you fix, use add and commit to "record" your progress through the exercise. Then push the commits when you are done.

GIT Practice

No matter how experienced you become with GIT, at some point you will make a mistake an commit or push something you do not want in the repository. Certainly, making smaller commits and paying attention when you commit will always be the first and best defense against mistakes (as well as never using git add .). To that end, we recommend using these two GIT commands before all of your commits to ensure you know exactly what is being changed:

However, once you have committed a mistake (pun intended), it is useful to be able to perform an "undo" — sometimes it will be possible to simply update the last action, but sometimes it may require creating a new commit that over writes previous changes. As long as the mistake is fixed, the history you leave is less of a concern for this course. Some GIT commands that will be useful include:

The above resource as well as this more humorous version have more details about each command, including different options for each.

With your partner, practice at least the following scenarios on this repository to practice making and fixing GIT mistakes:

Pair Programming

Labs in this course expect you to work either in pairs or with your project team.

Professionally, this practice is called Pair Programming: working closely with another programmer, sharing a "single computer" that we will simulate using a shared computer, shared repository or use IntelliJ's new Code With Me feature. To ensure both people do some coding, you will switch which person actually writes the code every 10-15 minutes (in industry this switch happens only 1-3 times per day). The person who is not actively coding can be advising, suggesting better names, looking up documentation, or searching the Internet for solutions to small problems you are likely to face, but not multi-tasking (i.e., doing their own work or socializing).