CompSci 307
Fall 2021
Software Design and Implementation

Lab Exercise : User Testing

Each team should set up a few computers running the latest stable version of the project for other students to user test. Any issues discovered or improvements considered based on this feedback should be prioritized in the context of the project's Backlog, its complexity, and the amount of time remaining in the project rather than simply done right away.

In general, here are 10 Usability Heuristics that provide clear guidelines for ensuring your UI does not suck :)


At the end of lab, one person should push a file named doc/ to the ooga_teamNN Gitlab repository to submit the team's summary of all the user feedback and the team's ideas for addressing any issues raised. Make sure the Title of your commit is of the form "lab_user_testing - participating NETIDs".

User Testing

Letting potential users interact directly with your project early and often, while some changes can still be made, is a vital part of the agile process. User feedback can be ambiguous or even contradictory, so deciding how to respond to the feedback will likely require a team discussion (or, in the real world, a decision by your client).

Note, to get a variety of feedback, a team may ask users to try different specific tasks or features within their project.

Everyone should take a turn being both a facilitator and a user:

During the test, each person should work to provide as realistic an experience as possible:

After the tests, as a team, discuss the feedback users gave and how you plan to address any issues that came up that do not have an obvious solution (i.e., not bug fixes or simple changes).