CompSci 570 - Fall 2024
Artificial Intelligence

Optional Text

Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach, Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig. Be sure to check for errata! (scroll down for a list of current errata)

Other texts

  • Artificial Intelligence: A New Synthesis, by Nils J. Nilsson.
  • The Quest for Artificial Intelligence, by Nils J. Nilsson.
  • Probabilistic Graphical Models by Koller and Friedman.

    Tutorials and demos

  • Zhang et al. image colorization with deep networks
  • TensorFlow neural network demo
  • An introduction to computational complexity from TopCoder
  • The University of Alberta has a great tutorial and interactive demo on decision trees.
  • Perceptron Demo
  • k-means clustering demo

    Useful Code and Programs

  • Weka is a great environment for learning and experimenting with a variety of machine learning algorithms.
  • An extensive list of SVM related software is available.
  • ghostview is a free postscript interpreter that will let you viewer older papers stored in postscript format. (Newer papers tend to be stored in pdf.)
  • Virtual Box is a free virtual machine that will allow you to run a second OS inside of a window on your current Windows, Linux, Solaris, or OS X machine. This is useful if you want to try software tools that are not available for your native OS.
  • gnuplot is a useful program for plotting arbitrary functions.
  • Ubuntu is a popular, free, linux distribution that works on most x86 hardware.
  • SWI-Prolog

    Google Search

  • The original page rank paper.
  • A more mathematical view: The $25,000,000 Eigenvector, The Linear Algebra Behind Google.