Table of Contents
Cache Memory
Outline of Today’s Lecture
The Big Picture: Where are We Now?
The Motivation for Caches
Levels of the Memory Hierarchy
The Principle of Locality
Memory Hierarchy: Principles of Operation
Memory Hierarchy: Terminology
Direct Mapped Cache
The Simplest Cache: Direct Mapped Cache
Direct Mapped Cache (Cont.)
Example: 1-KB Cache with 32B blocks:
Example: 1KB Direct Mapped Cache with 32B Blocks
Example: 1K Direct Mapped Cache
Example: 1K Direct Mapped Cache
Example: 1K Direct Mapped Cache
Example: 1K Direct Mapped Cache
Example: 1K Direct Mapped Cache
Block Size Tradeoff
A N-way Set Associative Cache
Advantages of Set associative cache
Disadvantage of Set Associative Cache
And yet Another Extreme Example: Fully Associative cache
Sources of Cache Misses
Sources of Cache Misses
The Need to Make a Decision!
Cache Block Replacement Policy
Cache Write Policy: Write Through versus Write Back
Write Buffer for Write Through
Write Buffer Saturation
Write Allocate versus Not Allocate
Four Questions for Memory Hierarchy Designers
What is a Sub-block?