CompSci 290
Spring 2021
Web Application Development

Submitting Your Work

Project deliverables must be submitted using GIT by the end of the due date given; if your assignment is received after midnight (i.e., the next day), it is considered late.

All submissions must represent your own work and must include credit for any print or electronic resources used, as well as anyone you consulted with.


While your code is not expected to be "elegant" or sophisticated as you learn all of these new languages, it is expected to be follow common coding conventions, written readably, with good names, and indented appropriately to reflect the structure of the elements you are defining. Furthermore, to reduce the chance of bugs and help ensure your web site displays the way you expect in a browser, it must use common, standard, features and pass validation using the W3C validators online:

HTML Style Guide Validator
CSS Style Guide Validator
JavaScript Style Guide Validator
JSON Style Guide Validator
Accessibility Style Guide Validator

Make sure to give credit where credit is due: all code "borrowed" from the Internet must be formatted consistently with your other code and attributed in comments right before it is used.


Programming projects are to be done individually, unless otherwise noted.

  1. Introductions
  2. Image Filter
  3. Word Game
  4. Plotter
  5. Quiz
  6. Trello
  7. Lots of Lists
  8. Final Project

Files to Submit

You should submit only

Make sure to give credit where credit is due: all asset files (images, sounds, etc.) must


Each programming project must be in a separate folder that includes a README file (either plain text or Markdown) that includes:

You will lose points on your assignment if it does not include a proper README file. Here is a template to get you started.

We would appreciate it if you also included your impressions of the assignment to help improve it in the future.