CompSci 290
Spring 2021
Web Application Development

Our goal is simple: to help you learn — both inside and outside the classroom experience. There are many ways for you to seek help:

When asking us questions you will be expected to show evidence of trying to solve the problem yourself so that we have a starting point for working with you on these larger, more diverse, projects.

If you have any questions or concerns, we want to help — do not put off asking.

Office Hours

Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
2-4pm Vastal 8:45-9:45am Dennis
7-9pm Holly
1-3pm Robert
7-9pm Eric
8:45-9:45am Dennis
1-3pm Robert
5-7pm Matt 12-2pm Jaidha 4-6pm Zetao

You can share your computer screen but having the most current version accessible via our course Gitlab organization is also helpful.

Posting to the Bulletin Board

Post any questions you have about the course on the Discussion Board because it is seen by the Teaching Team and other students, ensuring a much faster response time that sending us email. The discussion board will be monitored regularly and responses posted to questions that have not previously been answered.

You should also regularly read and contribute to the course discussion board as it is a useful place for posting questions that are likely to be of interest to the rest of the class. You are encouraged to post responses to questions as well as ask them or even share things you think will be useful to your classmates. Before posting a question, please make sure that you have read all previous messages and that your question has not yet been discussed since it is potentially confusing to have two different answers to the same question.

In order to get the fastest possible response, it is important that you are as clear as possible when describing your problem. To this end, include exact error messages or describe steps you already taken. Your post must include evidence of trying to solve the problem yourself before posting. Finally, if you solve your own problem before others respond, please post your solution so others may benefit.

Post as little code as possible in order to describe your problem so as not to give away the solution to your classmates. In many cases, you may be able to post only the single line that is causing the problem. In cases where it is necessary to post more, you may want to replace some parts with comments representing pseudocode if possible. Never post complete functions — indeed, such posts may be considered cheating. If you are in doubt, post a private message to the instructors.