A Computer Vision Sampler



Homework 8 is available on the class homework page.


  • The midterm exam is on Thursday, March 11 at 8:30 to 9:45 am for Section 1 and 1:45 to 3 pm for Section 2.
  • The final exam is on Friday, April 30, from 9 to 11 am for Section 1 and on Thursday, April 29, from 2 to 4 pm for Section 2.
Both exams will be on Gradescope.


We will use Piazza to communicate with each other outside of class. Sign up for Piazza here the first time if you haven't already.

Circa 1000 AD, the Arab polymath Hasan Ibn al-Haytham discovered the principle of the camera (from the Arab word qamara, a dark or private room). Illustration from S. T. S. al-Hassani, chief editor, 1001 Inventions — The Enduring Legacy of Muslim Civilization, National Geographics, 3rd edition, 2012.

This course explores concepts in visual recognition, visual motion analysis, and visual reconstruction through a sample of techniques. There will be video lectures, class discussion, homework, and two exams.

The class meets virtually on Zoom for discussion at the following links:

COMPSCI 527, Duke University, Site based on the fluid 960 grid system