CompSci 308
Spring 2024
Advanced Software Design and Implementation

Weekly Journal : OOGASalad Teamwork Reflection

It’s a curious thing about our industry: not only do we not learn from our mistakes, we also don’t learn from our successes. — Keith Braithwait

For this entry, even though the project is not quite done yet, take a some time to reflect on the project's planning and progress, by analyzing your own role and the roles each person assumed in the team (describe actions, not personal qualities or personalities) and drawing conclusions about how the outcome could be improved in the future as well as how you have grown as a team mate during the semester.

Submitting Your Work

Submit this Google Form, in which you will evaluate yourself and your other team member(s) as a tool to help us understand everyone's experience with group work.


Submit a Markdown formatted plain text file, named, to the individual portfolio_NETID repository provided for you in the course's Gitlab group.


Peer Review

Review your teammates and yourself to help us understand your personal view of the project's planning and progress. Your evaluations will let us know how their teammates view other's contributions to the project so we can better understand the objective evidence we have that may be missing context (absent context, we will assume the worst). We are also looking to see if you have responded to earlier feedback you received in an effort to improve as a teammate. To give everyone the best chance for success, please rate your team members as honestly, accurately, and consistently as possible.

Teamwork Reflection

Discuss the effectiveness of your team's communication, cooperation, and planning. Describe specific, impactful, events during the project to justify your comments rather than general terms like "always late", "writes bad code", etc. For example, a better description would be "Look at commit NNN, it was three days after it was promised (in an email/chat or a public meeting) and it did not work with the current version of the code so it broke the build."

Use the following questions to guide your reflection: