CompSci 308
Spring 2025
Advanced Software Design and Implementation

Whether you are keeping a journal or writing as a meditation, it is the same thing. What’s important is you are having a relationship with your mind. — Natalie Goldberg

Weekly Journal

An important way for you to improve is by practicing mindful learning, pausing and reflecting during an activity, so that the context of your actions is not lost. An important way for us to understand what you have learned is make your learning visible and, unfortunately, code alone is not enough. Thus, to help even programmers like you improve and to help us understand how you are learning, you will practice regular journaling throughout the semester.

Informal writing can clarify your thinking and improve your ability to remember, observe, think, and communicate. When you are writing your journal entries, do not be overly concerned about grammar. It is more important for these weekly entries to communicate ideas effectively, focus on ideas, depth, and critical analysis — tackle concepts rather than worry about splitting infinitives. The object of the journal is to develop your own connections between the theoretical (or philosophical) and practical elements of the course and a better understanding of your relationship to coding, not to simply regurgitate the readings or lecture content or let ChatGPT generate thoughts on your behalf.

Just write — you might even find it fun!

Submitting Your Work

Journals are due each week by 3:08am ET in the morning on the day after that given on the course Calendar (effectively a few extra hours grace time past midnight).

Markdown is an industry standard, simple, plain text format for providing style guidelines that can be transformed into any other document format. IntelliJ includes a Markdown editor that provides a preview or it can be enabled directly within Google Docs.


  1. CompSci Autobiography (template)
  2. Thinking about Habits and Failure (template)