In this lab your will implement a priority read/write lock library, building on top of mutexes and condition variables supplied by the POSIX threading library (pthread).
As with Lab Memory, we will use a different repo for Lab Sync. Please clone the repo via:
$ git clone
Cloning into 'sync'...
You need to run the lab on a Linux system. We recommend you use the Docker image we provided (i.e., same as the xv6 Docker).
You only need to modify rwlock.c
and rwlock.h
to finish this lab.
To test your solution, please run make test. Each test case (TC) will print out “Passed” or “Failed”.
To submit your solution, please run make gradescope, and submit your
to Gradescope.
It is helpful to understand basic RW locks both from the course slides and Chapter 31.5 in OSTEP read/write lock. However, in this lab, we’ve changed some of the semantics to support a notion of priority levels for writers. Below, we provide an overview of the semantics with modifications or potentially non-standard choices marked with an asterisk (*):
We provide the structure of read/write lock and basic functions in ‘rwlock.h’.
typedef struct {
pthread_mutex_t mutex;
pthread_cond_t r_cond;
pthread_cond_t w_cond[3];
int r_active;
int w_active[3];
int r_wait;
int w_wait[3];
You will implement five methods that handles the read/write lock behavior.
void rwl_init(rwl *l);
void rwl_rlock(rwl *l);
void rwl_runlock(rwl *l);
void rwl_wlock(rwl *l, int priority);
void rwl_wunlock(rwl *l, int priority);
You can test and grade your rwlock library locally by running
$ make test
Alternatively, you can run the testing script which is used on Gradescope by running (assumes you have already run make
$ python3
This script simply runs each test N=100 times to provide a higher probability that non-determinism is not leading to the submission being marked as passing. A correct solution should pass tests deterministically.
static struct Step stepsBasicReadWrite[] = {
WL0( 0, 0, 0),
WL0( 1, 1, 2), // Depends on WU0 at Clock 2
RL ( 1, 2, 3), // Depends on WU0 at Clock 3
WU0( 2, 0),
WU0( 3, 1),
RL ( 4, 3, 4),
RU ( 5, 2),
WL0( 6, 0, 8), // Depends on RU at Clock 8
RL ( 7, 2, 9), // Depends on WU0 at Clock 9
RU ( 8, 3),
WU0( 9, 0),
RU ( 10, 2)
We have some #define macro syntax in the tests.c file to help construct structures while keeping this view simpler for ease of creating / viewing testing logic.
Each line is a step that takes place at a given logical clock timestamp (CLK, first column) for a given tester/thread ID (ID, second column). These steps are what you would imagine given the lab spec: you can issue a write lock/unlock at varying priorities, and you can issue a read lock/unlock. The action at each step is specified on the left, which invokes the corresponding C macro.
For steps that involve a lock action, there is a third variable specified regarding the dependency (ECLK, third column). This relates to when the lock should be acquired based on an unlock action at a later step. For instance, thread 0 takes a write lock (priority 0) at time 0, followed by thread 1 attempting to take the write lock (priority 0) at time 1. Thread 1 will block because the write lock is already held by thread 0. It should block until time 2, at which point thread 0 will unlock.
This should give you enough of an idea for: 1) how to interpret the tests, and 2) how to play around and construct other test cases as you wish.
If you are just starting out the project, you should be greeted with the following output from the new python3 :
student@dfef19880ec0:~/labs$ python3
make: Nothing to be done for 'all'.
Test 'BasicRead': Passed
Test 'BasicWrite': Failed
[M] Changing clock to 0
[0] Write Lock (Priority 0)
[M] Changing clock to 1
[1] Write Lock (Priority 0)
[1] ERROR: Acquired lock out of order (clock 1 instead of 2)
Test Failed!
Test 'PriorityWrite': Failed
[M] Changing clock to 0
[1] Write Lock (Priority 1)
[M] Changing clock to 1
[0] Write Lock (Priority 0)
[0] ERROR: Acquired lock out of order (clock 1 instead of 2)
Test Failed!
Test 'BasicReadWrite': Failed
[M] Changing clock to 0
[0] Write Lock (Priority 0)
[M] Changing clock to 1
[1] Write Lock (Priority 0)
[1] ERROR: Acquired lock out of order (clock 1 instead of 2)
Test Failed!
Test 'PriorityReadWrite': Failed
[M] Changing clock to 0
[1] Write Lock (Priority 0)
[M] Changing clock to 1
[0] Write Lock (Priority 0)
[0] ERROR: Acquired lock out of order (clock 1 instead of 2)
Test Failed!
Here, “BasicRead” passes because, even if we do absolutely nothing, it’s fine that all readers enter their critical section at the same time.
However, if we look at “BasicReadWrite”, we can see that there was an out-of-order acquisition of the lock. As we noted in the previous section, thread 1 should need to wait until thread 0 releases its write lock; however, since the initial state of rwlock.c doesn’t do anything, there are overlapping acquires of the write lock which violates our safety property.
In some cases, you may encounter a deadlock being reported (not shown above) when one thread should make progress (i.e., has no dependency) but can’t. This also corresponds to a failure.