Course Overview
Algorithms and representations used in artificial intelligence. Introduction to and implementation of algorithms for search, planning, decision, theory, logic, Bayesian networks, and machine learning.
InstructorRon Parr
Office: LSRC D209 (See note below about office hour logistics.)
Office Hours: Tuesday 11-12 LSRC D209, Thursday 2-3 Zoom Email: parr at cs dot duke dot edu
Office hour logistics: Please see Ed for the latest information on office hour locations and any last minute scheduling changes. TAs
- Casey Hanks Office Hours: Monday 11-12, LSRC D309, Friday 3-4, LSRC D301 email: casey dot hanks at duke dot edu
- Bowen He
Office Hours: Tuesday 8-9 PM, Zoom (see Ed for link), Wednesday 3-4 LSRC D301 email: Bowen dot He at duke dot edu
- Harry Chen Office Hours: Monday 3:00 - 4:00, LSRC D301 email: harry dot chen084 at
- Divyansh Jain Office Hours: Tuesday 1:30 - 3:30, LSRC D309 email: divyansh dot jain at
- Luke Nam Office Hours: Tuesday 5-6, LSRC D301 email: luke dot nam at duke dot edu
- Meeraa Ramakrishnan Office Hours: Thursday 4:30 - 5:30, LSRC D301 email: meeraa dot ramakrishnan at