Assignment | Date Available | Date Due |
What to turn in:
- For written answers, please turn in a PDF. Do NOT turn in Microsoft Word or other formats that are proprietary and incompatible. (MS Office documents are not even compatible across versions and hardware platforms.) Unless it is utterly impractical for you to do so, please do NOT turn in scans of handwritten assignments
- Include your name in all files that you submit. Put it at the top of the first page of your written solutions and in the comments to each file you submit for your code.
- Include figures directly in your PDF rather than as separate attachments.
How to turn it in:
- Unless otherwise stated, solutions are due by 11:59:00 PM on the due date.
- We be using gradescope for all homework submissions.
Academic Honesty
- We take academic honesty very seriously. Please follow all instructions about permitted collaboration carefully. Please also see the lectures notes from the first lecture. You should check if you have any confusion about what is permitted.
Latness policy
- You may request an extension before the due date of the assignment. Valid reasons for extensions include (but are not necessarily limited to) interviews, travel for research or academic purposes, and illness.
- Late assignments (without a previously granted extension) will be penalized 10% per day. Assignments will not be accepted beyond 5 days after the due date.