
Function: get_data( books, ratings ) : The function must read data about books and raters and return the information in a list and dictionary. (see details)

The books argument must be a txt file of books (supplied with the snarf or get here):

The ratings argument must be a txt file of raters (supplied with the snarf or get here):
ratername ,bookRatings
ratername ,bookRatings

Return values

The call get_data( books, ratings ) must return two things:

itlist a list of items being rated: [ "author,bookTitle", "author,bookTitle", ... ]

rdict a dictionary of raters and their ratings of the books:

{"ratername" : [integer ratings for each movie],
 "ratername" : [integer ratings for each movie], ...

Function: get_data( movieratings )
(see details)

The movieratings argument must be a txt file of movies (supplied with the snarf or get here):
ratername title rating
ratername title rating
ratername title rating

Return values

The get_data( movieratings ) must return two things:

itlist a list of items being rated:  [ "title ", "title ", "title ", ... ]
(see details and examples here)

rdict a dictionary of raters and their ratings of the movies:

{"ratername" : [integer ratings for each movie],
 "ratername" : [integer ratings for each movie], ...

Note that both functions get_data return the same types: a list of strings (each item being rated) and a dictionary in which keys are raters and values are lists of integer ratings by each rater.

In the module you must write the three functions shown in the details pages: averages, similarities, and recommended. You must also (either in or another module you write that imports and calls Recommender).

obtain the list and dictionary from either a book or movie module's get_data function, and then report on at three different ratings:

(See details)


You should submit a README file as usual. You must also submit either a text file or a .doc or .pdf that is your analysis of what you've done. The analysis should include the following:

Ramp Up

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