Mathematical Operators | Symbol | Meaning | Example |
+ | addition | 4 + 5 = 9 |
- | subtraction | 9 - 5 = 4 |
* | multiplication | 3*5 = 15 |
/ | division | 6/3 = 2 6/4 = 1 6.0/4 = 1.5 |
% | mod/remainder | 5 % 3 = 2 |
** | exponentiation | 3**2 = 9, 2**3 = 8 |
String Operators | + | concatenation | "ab"+"cd"="abcd" |
* | repeat | "xo"*3 = "xoxoxo" |
Comparison Operators | == | is equal to | 3 == 3 is True |
!= | is not equal to | 3 != 3 is False |
>= | is greater than or equal to | 4 >= 3 is True |
<= | is less than or equal to | 4 <= 3 is False |
> | is strictly greater than | 4 > 3 is True |
< | is strictly less than | 3 < 3 is False |
Boolean Operators | ||
x=5 | not | flips the value of a bool | (not x == 5) is False |
and | returns True only if both parts of it are True | (x > 3 and x < 7) is True (x > 3 and x > 7) is False |
or | returns True if at least one part of it is True | (x < 3 or x > 7) is False (x < 3 or x < 7) is True |
String Functions | ||
s="colorful" | Name | Returns | Example |
.find(str) | index of first occurrence | s.find("o") == 1 |
s.find("e") == -1 | ||
.count(str) | number of occurrences | s.count("o") == 2 s.count("r") == 1 s.count("e") == 0 |
.strip() | copy with leading/trailing whitespace removed | " big ".strip() == "big" |
.split() | list of "words" in s | "big bad dog".split() == ["big","bad", "dog"] |
.split(",") | list of "items " in s that are separated by a comma | "this,old,man".split(",") == ["this", "old", "man"] |
In general can split on any string, not just a comma, e.g., s.split(":") will split on a colon and s.split("gat") will split on the string "gat". | ||
.startswith(str) | boolean if starts with string | s.startswith("color") == True s.startswith("cool") == False |
Type Conversion Functions | ||
int(x) | turn x into an integer value | int("123") == 123 |
int can fail, e.g., int("abc") raises an error | ||
float(x) | turn x into an float value | float("2.46") == 2.46 |
float can fail, e.g., float("abc") raises an error | ||
str(x) | turn x into a string value | str(432) == "432" |
type(x) | the type of x | type(1) ==
int type(1.2) == float |
Miscellaneous Functions | ||
len(x) | length of sequence x, e.g., String/List | len("duke") == 4 |
sorted(x) | return list that is sorted version of sequence/iterable x, doen't change x | sorted("cat") == ['a','c','t'] |
range(x) | a list of integers starting at 0 and going up to but not including x | range(5) == [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] |
range(start, stop) | a list of integers starting at start and going up to but not including stop | range(3, 7) == [3, 4, 5, 6] |
help(x) | documentation for module x | |
min(x, y, z) | minimum value of all arguments | min(3, 1, 2) == 1
min("z", "b", "a") == "a" |
max(x, y, z) | maximum value of all arguments | max(3, 1, 2) == 3
max("z", "b", "a") == "z" |
abs(x) | absolute value of the int or float x | abs(-33) == 33
abs(-33.5) == 33.5 |
List Functions | sum(lst) | returns sum of elements in list lst | sum([1,2,4]) == 7 |
max(lst) | returns maximal element in lst | max([5,3,1,7,2]) == 7 |
lst.append(...) | append an element to lst, changing lst | [1,2,3].append(8) == [1,2,3,8] |
lst.extend(lst2) | append every element of lst2 to lst | [1,2,3].extend([8,9]) == [1,2,3,8,9] |
lst.sort() | sorts the elements of lst | |
lst.index(elt) | return index of elt in lst, error if elt not in lst | [1,5,3,8].index(5) == 1 |
lst.count(elt) | return number of occurrences of elt in lst
| [1,2,1,2,3].count(1) == 2 |
lst.pop(index) | remove and return element at position index in
lst , so has side-effect of altering list and returns
value. Default index is last value.
| |
Set Functions | s.add(item) | adds the item into the set, and returns nothing. |
s.union(t) | returns new set representing s UNION t, i.e., all elements in either s OR t, t can be any iterable (e.g., a list) | |
s.intersection(t) | returns new set representing s INTERSECT t, i.e., only elements in both s AND t, t can be any iterable (e.g., a lsit) | |
s | t | returns/evaluates to union of s and t, both must be sets. | |
s & t | returns/evaluates to intersection of s and t, both must be sets. | |
s - t | returns/evaluates to set with all elements in s that are not in t | |
Dictionary Functions | d[key] |
returns the value associated with key , error
if key not in dictionary d
d.get(key) |
returns value associated with key ,
error if key not in dictionary d
| |
d.get(key,default) |
returns value associated with key ,
returns default if key
not in d
| |
d.keys() | returns a list/view of the keys in dictionary | |
d.items() | returns a list/view of tuples, (key,item) pairs from dictionary | |
d.values() | returns a list/view of values in dictionary | |
Random Functions | random.choice(list_of_choices) | returns a random element from list_of_choices. Gives an error if list_of_choices has length 0. |
random.randint(start, end) | Returns a random integer between start and end. Unlike range() and list slicing, the largest value it can return is end, not end-1. | |
random.random() | Returns a random float between 0 and 1. |