Package <Unnamed>

Interface Summary
IAutoPlayer Add method for auto/computer player to the standard player interface.
IBoardMaker Interface for creating a Boggle Board.
IPlayer A Boggle player must support the methods of this interface.

Class Summary
AbstractAutoPlayer Augments AutoPlayer by adding abstract method for autoplayer.
AbstractPlayer Supplies default implementation and state for a player.
BadAutoPlayer AutoPlayer that can't find any words.
BadWordFinder Cannot find any words on a board.
BoardCell Encapsulate a (row,column) entry so that the entry can be hashed, compared, and stored as a single entry.
BoggleBoard Represent a Boggle Board to play a game of Boggle.
BoggleBoardFactory Factor for generating boggle boards.
BoggleGUI A GUI for the game of Boggle.
ExpandableList Subclass of JList intended to grow as elements are added to the list (via the model, but that's not seen by clients).
SimpleLexicon Simple Lexicon implementation simply storing words in a set.
StandardBoardMaker Supply a random BoggleBoard that's either 4x4 or 5x5 using standard cubes from Boggle and Big Boggle, respectively.

Enum Summary
LexStatus Enum values for querying a lexicon and determining if a string is a word, is a prefix of a word, or is not a word (and not a prefix of a word).