Wednesday, November 2 is the tentative date when the final report for
for Project 1 is due. On the same day, we will have 15-minute
presentations in class from each group.
Please read the detailed instructions very carefully. If you have questions
about Project 1 it is for the benefit of everyone to ask them in class.
Each group will be submitting one Final Report with the following structure:
- Section 1
- Description of workload (for overall group).
- Section 2
- Description of data used (for overall group).
- Section 3
- Description of systems considered for evaluation. One
subsection of Section 3 will be written per system by the 1-2 group
- responsible for that system. Also include a single high-level
comparison table/chart to point out the similarities and
dissimilarities among
- the systems.
- Section 4
- Description of evaluation methodology (for overall
group). This part should include aspects like what performance,
ease-of-use, reliability,
- and any other metrics that you are measuring
for system evaluation purposes. Why are you
- measuring these metrics
specifically? How are you measuring these metrics for each system? Etc.
- Section 5
- Detailed description of evaluation results observed (for
overall group). Plot graphs as much as possible for easy readability.
Include your
- explanation for why the results are as they are
(especially results that are not as you had expected originally).
- Appendix 1
- Detailed description of installation and configuration
instructions for each system. One subsection of Appendix 1 will be
written per system by
- the 1-2 group members responsible for that system.
- Appendix 2
- Step-by-step instructions to run the workload and
collect results for each system (including Hadoop as appropriate). Each of the 1-2 members
- subgroups will write a subsection of Appendix 2 for the system that the subgroup was
responsible for.
Automate, Automate, Automate. Once Project 1 is complete, you will
be submitting the AMI, source code, and step-by-step instructions to
run the workloads (in addition to a project report). Rozemary and I
should be able to run your code and replicate all your evaluation
results. We will be grading you on the ease with which we were able to
run your code and replicate your results.