See the Help tab for everyone's office hours in a weekly format
This course will have videos to watch before coming to class.
In general you should watch the videos in order to be prepared to ask and
answer questions in class. If you've looked at the material before it's
discussed in class you'll get much more out of the class discussion.
This is especially true once class has been going for a while.
You must have a Duke netid to watch them. The site is https://warpwire.duke.edu/w/jd0CAA/ .
We will have online quizzes due starting September 1 that you need to complete before 8:30AM the day they are due. The idea is for you to read or watch videos and then answer questions about them, BEFORE coming to class. Online quizzes will be available at least two days before they are due, likely earlier. You can take them at most 3 times until they turn off. We do not turn them back on, so be sure to take them before they turn off.
The first two weeks with Drop/Add the quizzes will stay up longer. Starting September 13, quizzes will turn off when they are due.
There is an optional textbook if you still want a book, but you shouldn't need it. We will not reference this book.
Class attendence is REQUIRED. We will be programming in class every day. Many times classwork will need to be completed outside of class. This is homework that will count as part of your classwork grade. Class work must be turned in by the next class period.
Classwork (starting with Classwork 1 on Sept 1) can only be checked off 1) during class OR 2) in Prof. Rodger's office hours only if you have a valid reason for missing class and you filled out the need extension form on the forms page on the course web site.
LATE POLICY on Classwork:
Classwork is due by the next class period. If you do not finish classwork in class, you must finish it by the next class period to receive full credit. Classwork turned in late or not checked off by the due date is 10% off if turned in one class period late. Classwork is 20% off if turned in two class periods late. Classwork is not accepted after that. If you have a valid reason why your classwork is late, you must fill out the extension form on the course web site on the forms page.
The final programming assignment is called the final project.
LATE POLICY on Assignments: Assignments turned in up to 3 days late are 10% off (Sunday does not count as a late day). Assignments turned in by 1 week are 20% off. They must be turned in within one week late. See Prof. Rodger immediately if you are having difficulty with this.
Tests and online quizzes must be your own work. There is no collaboration with others for them.
Classwork | 30% |
Assignments | 25% |
Final Project | 10% |
Sakai Quizzes | 5% |
Exams | 30% |
There will be three exams (dates will be on the calendar). There is no final exam.
Grading is done on an absolute, but adjustable scale. This means that there is no curve. Anyone earning 90% or more of the total number of points available will receive a grade in the A range (A+,A,A-), with 94 the cutoff for an A; 80% = B range, 70% = C range, 60% = D range.
The tests will be closed-book.