COMPSCI 514/ECE 558 Advanced Computer Networks: Assignments

This course include four types of assignments: pre-lecture questions, labs, homework, and a project. The first three types are individual assignments. While general discussions on individual assignments are encouraged, each student must complete their work independently, without consulting the code or solutions of other students. The project is a group assignment, and only one submission is required per group. You may consult the Internet or use AI tools for lab or project assignments, but not for pre-lecture questions or homework. If you use Internet resources or AI tools, 1) you must explicitly cite the sources, and 2) you must type or write your own answers. Direct copying from the Internet or from AI-generated content is considered a violation of academic integrity in this course.

Pre-lecture Questions (15%)

Each lecture has an assigned reading, which you are required to complete before the lecture. You must also submit the answers to the pre-lecture questions on Gradescope, which are due at 11:59 pm the day before the lecture. This is an individual assignment.

We will grade your answers according to the following rubric:

Labs (10%)

We will have two programming labs designed to help you understand the basics of networking. Each lab includes a programming component and a set of experiments that you will run using the code you write. Labs are individual assignments.

Homework (10%)

We will have four homework sets. Homework is an individual assignment.

Project (40%)

A significant portion of this course is a semester-long mini-research project. The goal is to learn how to conduct research in the broad field of networking and distributed systems. This is a group assignment.

The major milestones are:

Last updated: 08/2024