CompSci 201, Spring 2020

APT Quiz

APT Quiz's are in Sakai under Test/Quizzes. When you click on them your timer starts.

APT Problems

See below for hints on what to do if your APT doesn't run.

For each problem in an APT set, complete these steps by the due date

In solving APTs, your program should work for all cases, not just the test cases we provide.

All submissions for APTs will be via net-id. The submission with the most points will count for grading. Please submit the REFLECT to ensure grading.

Click here to Watch Prof. Rodger solve, test and submit the APT Gravity.

APT test code Reflect Due Date
APT 1 Submitting reflect Tues. January 21
Extended to January 23
APT 2 Submitting reflect Tues. January 28
APT 3 Submitting reflect Tues. Feb 4
Extended to Feb 6
APT 4 Submitting reflect Tues. March 3
APT 5 Submitting reflect Tues. March 31
APT 6 Submitting reflect Tues. April 7
APT 7 Submitting reflect Thurs. April 16
APT 8 Submitting reflect Tues. April 21

Problems Running an APT? Some Tips!