COMPSCI 356 Computer Network Architecture: Assignments

This page includes links to all course assignments, including labs and homework. All information is subject to change, and please check this page periodically for the updated schedule.

We will have a total of five labs. A lab may include homework-style pre-lab questions and coding assignment. The pre-lab questions aim to help you understand the basic concepts we learn in class and the coding assignment is the place where the rubber meets the road. You'll internalize the details of the concepts and their interactions by making the code work. For each lab, you must turn in answers to the pre-lab questions, the source code, and lab reports if we have asked for them. For lab1, you should implement it individually. For lab2 to lab5, we allow group submission. Each group's size should be 2 - 4 students.

We will have a total of 4 homeworks. You should implement them individually.

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