
Geometric Fundamentals
1 1/06 Introduction, models, geometric transforms [PS P.19-35]
Geometric Data Structures I
2 1/11 1D Data structures: segment and interval trees [BCKO Ch5, 10]
3 1/13 Orthogonal Range searching: quad tree, kd tree [BCKO Ch5]
4 1/18 Range searching: kd tree, range tree [BCKO Ch5]
5 1/20 Planar point location, persistent data structure [BCKO Ch6; ST]
Intersection Detection
6 1/25 Intersection detection: sweep-line, randomized incremental construction (RIC) [BCKO Ch2]
7 1/27 Intersection detection: RIC analysis [BCKO Ch6]
Convex Hull
8 2/01 2D convex hull [BCKO Ch1]
9 2/03 Convex hull in high dimensions [BCKO Ch11]
10 2/08 Dynamic convex hull [PS Ch3]
Proximity Problems
11 2/10 Voronoi diagram, Delaunay triangulation [BCKO Ch7]
12 2/15 Randomized incremental and edge-flip algorithms for DT [BCKO Ch9; Ed P.9-17]
13 2/17 Approximate NN searching [HP Ch2,17]
14 2/22 WSPD & its applications [HP Ch 3]
15 2/24 Arrangements of planar objects [HP, Ch3; BCKO Ch 8]
16 3/01 Motion Planning [BCKO Ch13]
Geometric Sampling
17 3/03 Random sampling, e-nets, e-approximations [HP Ch5]
18 3/15 Core Sets, geometric summaries [HP Ch23]
Geometric Data Structures II
19 3/17 Geometric cuttings & Polynomial Partitioning [HP Ch15]
20 3/22 Simplex range searching & Beyond [HP Ch6]
Geometric Optimization
21 3/24 Linear programming [CL, MSW]
22 3/29 Geometric Hitting Set & Set Cover [HP Ch6, BG]
23 3/31 Shape matching [MA Ch4,6]
24 4/05 Clustering [BCKO Ch16]
Dimension Reduction
25 4/07 Low distortion embeddings [Ma Ch15]
26 4/12 Locality sensitive hashing [HP Ch20]
