
Week Date Day Type Topic Ref. Released Due
1 12-Jan Thu Lecture-1 Introduction [Er0]
2 17-Jan Tue Lecture-2 Ranking I: Divide & Conquer, mergesort [DPV2,Er1]
19-Jan Thu Lecture-3 Ranking II: Randomized divide & conquer, quick sort [Er1, Ed2]
3 23-Jan Mon Recitation-1 Review of CS 201 and 230
24-Jan Tue Lecture-4 Ranking III: Median & order statistics [DPV2,Er1] Optional Pre-Quiz
26-Jan Thu Lecture-5 Data Structure I: Balanced binary search trees [CLRS12-13]
4 30-Jan Mon Recitation-2 Divide and Conquer Algorithms
31-Jan Tue Lecture-6 Graph Traversal I: Depth first search, topological sort [DPV3,Er6] Assignment-1 Optional Pre-Quiz
2-Feb Thu Lecture-7 Guest Lecture I: Thomas Molhave
Graph Traversal II: Breadth first search [DPV4,Er5]
5 6-Feb Mon Recitation-3 Search Trees and DFS
7-Feb Tue Lecture-8 Shortest paths I: Dijkstra’s algorithm [DPV4,Er8] Assignment-2 Assignment-1
9-Feb Thu Lecture-9 Shortest paths II: Bellman-Ford, Floyd-Warshall [DPV4, Er8,9]
6 13-Feb Mon Recitation-4 BFS and shortest path problems
14-Feb Tue Lecture-10 Dynamic Programming I: Sequence alignment [DPV6,Er3] Assignment-3 Assignment-2
16-Feb Thu Lecture-11 Dynamic Programming II: Knapsack, scheduling [DPV6,Er3] Case Study Part 1
7 20-Feb Mon Recitation-5 Dynamic programming
21-Feb Tue Lecture-12 Dynamic Programming III: Reinforcement learning [RN17] Assignment-4 Assignment-3
23-Feb Thu Lecture-13 Greedy I: Scheduling & compression [DPV5,Er4]
8 27-Feb Mon Recitation-6 Exam Review
28-Feb Tue Lecture-14 Greedy II: Minimum Spanning Tree [DPV5,Er7] Assignment-4
2-Mar Thu Midterm I Lectures 1-12
9 6-Mar Mon Recitation-7 Greedy
7-Mar Tue Lecture-15 Greedy III: Clustering [CLRS33, Ph8]
9-Mar Thu Lecture-16 Cuts & Flows I: Max-flow and min-cut [Er10] Case Study Part 1
10 20-Mar Mon Recitation-8 Clustering and Cuts and Flows
21-Mar Tue Lecture-17 Cuts & Flows II: Computing flows [Er10] Assignment-5
Guest Lecture II: Alex Beutel [Er11]
23-Mar Thu Lecture-18 Cuts & Flows III: Maximum and stable matching [Er11.3, CLRS26.3, Roth1982]
11 27-Mar Mon Recitation-9 Cuts, Flows, Matching
28-Mar Tue Lecture-19 Optimization I: Linear Programming [DPV7,ErH] Assignment-6 Assignment-5
30-Mar Thu Lecture-20 Optimization II: Duality [DPV7,ErH]
12 3-Apr Mon Recitation-10 Linear Programming
4-Apr Tue Lecture-21 Optimization III: Gradient descent [CLRS33,BV9] Assignment-7 Assignment-6
5-Apr Wed Case Study Part 2
6-Apr Thu Lecture-22 Intractability: NP-Completeness, reductions [DPV8,Er12]
13 10-Apr Mon Recitation-11 Gradient Descent, Intractability, Exam Review
11-Apr Tue Lecture-23 Intractability: NP-Complete problems [DPV8,Er12] Assignment-8 Assignment-7
13-Apr Thu Midterm II Scope: Lectures 13-21
14 17-Apr Mon Recitation-12 Intractability
18-Apr Tue Lecture-24 Data Structure II: Hashing [ErApp5] Assignment-8
20-Apr Thu Lecture-25 Large Scale Computing I: Sketching & streaming [CY3]
15 24-Apr Mon Recitation-13 Sketching and Streaming
25-Apr Tue Lecture-26 Large Scale Computing II: Parallel & Distributed algorithms [CLRS27] Case Study Part 2
16 3-May Wed Final Exam 9:00am-12:00pm; Scope: All lectures