In-Class Presentations: Personal Educational Experiences
Never stop learning; for when we stop learning, we stop growing. — Loyal ‘Jack’ Lewman
In preparation for our first day of class discussion, think about and write down your thoughts on the following (they can be in any context, not restricted to school specifically):
- What has been your best and your worst learning experience?
- What has been your best experience using technology to learn something?
- After doing the readings, what do you see as the potential challenges of using technology for teaching/learning?
- After doing the readings, what do you see as the biggest "future skill" missing from your courses at Duke?
- What do you want to get out of taking this course?
In groups during class, discuss these questions and present the common elements of your answers. In your groups, each person should take on the following roles:
- Facilitator: manages the group to stay on task, be aware of time constraints for the overall discussion, and that there is room for everyone in the conversation
- Recorder: takes notes on the discussion, including keeping track of who initiated major ideas within the discussion
- Representative: represents the group in reporting back to the class and for any discussions between groups