Reading Commentaries
Most lectures have two associated readings that are closely related to the topic of that session, either in terms of the topic or the research methods. For each session of the class (we have two sessions per week), you are expected to read and submit a thoughtful commentary on the two assigned readings. In each session of the class where we have reading assignments, one or two of your classmates will lead a discussion (~30 minutes) on the two readings (~15 minutes each). If you are assigned as a discussion lead of a reading, you are not expected to submit your commentaries for that reading. However, you are expected to submit your commentaries for the reading you are not leading its discussion in that session. For other students, the deadline for submitting the commentaries of each class is at 7 p.m. the day before that session.
The complete list of readings is available on the course schedule. If, as a discussion lead, you prefer to present a different article for your selected topic, you need to notify the instructor at least one week before the date of the session you are leading. The lead-selected articles should present peer-reviewed user-centered research on human-centered security. The article should be a full-length paper from any of the flagship security, privacy, or HCI conferences, including USENIX Security, IEEE S&P, PETS, CHI, HRI, and CSCW.