There are several types of assignments in Compsci 342: WOTO/in class, Reading Quizzes, Writing/Communication (including ABABs), Reading a Resarch Paper, and the final Research paper you write
ABAB-1 Aaron Swartz and the CFAA due on January 22
ABAB-2 Movies related to AI (review) due on February 5
ABAB-3 secure/private messaging apps due on February 19
ABAB-4 LLMs and Op-Ed Assignment due on February 5
ABAB-5, Book Review of YA Novel or Graphic Novels due on March 3
ABAB-6, Dr. Joy Buolamwini due on February 24
ABAB 7 and 8: Edward Snowden due on March 3
Each week there is a reading quiz to complete about the readings due before class on Monday.
Quiz for Jan 13 (due 1/5)
Quiz for Jan 20 (due 1/22)
Quiz for Jan 27 (due 1/27)
Quiz for Feb 3 (due 2/3)
Quiz for Feb 10 (due 2/10)
Quiz for Feb 17 (due 2/17)
Quiz for March 3 (due 3/3)
First Writing Assignment is due on January 15
Op-Ed assignment is due on January 27
Pecha Kucha assignment first submission due February 12, but groups due by February 6.
Reading Research Papers. You must choose two different papers, completing this will take several hours if done according to guidlines. One is due on February 17, one is due on March 24.