COMPSCI/ECE 356 Computer Network Architecture, Spring 2025

Time Tue 11:45am - 1:00pm Thu 11:45am - 1:00pm
Room Gross Hall 103
Instructor   Bruce M. Maggs Office Hours: Tue 2pm - 3pm, LSRC D324
Graduate TA Hsuan-Yu Chou Office Hours: Fri 10:35am - 12:35pm, North Building N021
Graduate TA Jinyu Pei Office Hours: Wed 3pm - 5pm, North Building N021
Undergraduate TA Kevin Kong Office Hours: Tue 4pm - 6pm, Perkins Link Group Study 6
Undergraduate TA Alexis Cruz-Ayala Office Hours: Wed 5:30pm - 7:30pm, Fitzpatrick 1411
Undergraduate TA Joao Boechat Office Hours: Fri 12:35pm - 2:35pm, Zoom (check Ed)
Undergraduate TA Aruj Bansal

Overview: Design and implementation of computer networks. The topics will include but not limited to the Internet architecture, transport protocols, routing protocols, link layer technologies, overlay networks, datacenter networks, and network security. Please refer to this page for a detailed list of topics and class schedule. These systems and protocols serve as case studies to teach the students how to design and implement networked systems to achieve reliable/secure communications over unreliable/insecure channels, how to find a good path through a network, how to share network resources among competing entities, how to find an object in the network, and how to build network applications.

Prerequisites: COMPSCI 210D or COMPSCI/ECE 250D

Textbook: Larry L. Peterson and Bruce S. Davie, Computer Networks: A Systems Approach

Collaboration Policy: Students are encouraged to talk to each other, to the course staff, or to anyone else about any of the assignments, but students should complete individual assignments by themselves. Assistance is limited to discussion of the problem and sketching of the general approaches to a solution.

Late Policy:

Cheating Policy: Don't know if you are cheating? Please consult the Cheating Policy. If you are caught cheating, you will be reported to the Office of Student Conduct and you will receive a failing grade in the class.

Grading Policy:

Last updated: 01/2025